NASA and Airocide
Airocide Space technology on Earth
“A giant leap from filter-kind”. Airocide units have leapt past filtration or UV-light based purification systems.

What does Airocide have to do with space gardens?
The Airocide Story begins in space. Planning for a manned mission to Mars, the question arose as to how to feed the crew when there’s no way to resupply them. The answer: grow gardens in space.
It seemed to be an easy solution but there was a catch with the plants. Nearly all plants, especially those that produce fruits and vegetables emit Ethylene gas. Ethylene, a typical volatile organic compound (VOC), is the natural occurring plant hormone that signals fruits and vegetables to ripen. On earth Ethylene naturally dissipates into the atmosphere but in a sealed spacecraft like the shuttle or space station concentrated exposure causes fruits and vegetables to ripen too rapidly and spoil before they can be consumed. In short, NASA had a VOC problem.
Their challenge was complicated by the fact that these VOC gas molecules are too small to be filtered. So small that they would pass through hospital HEPA grade filters essentially unimpeded.

3 requirements that the unit had to meet
- First, NASA needed something that could clean the air even from the tiniest particles like Ethylene.
- The second requirement was that they needed their invention to consume very little power.
- The third requirement was to be virtually maintenance-free and produce no harmful by-products like Ozone.

Bringing NASA Technology Down To Earth
The solution was elegant, met all three requirements and it is the technology inside an Airocide.
NASA’s photo-catalytic oxidation (PCO) invention found commercial applications for eliminating Ethylene gas. More importantly, following the 2001 anthrax attacks, NASA’s laboratories confirmed that Airocide can kill 99.9% of anthrax spores.
The test results and further tests made it clear that Airocide can eliminate any kind of organic compound ranging from viruses, bacteria, mold spores, VOCs to mycotoxins. Contaminants that get into Airocide’s PCO chamber cannot escape and are destroyed completely.
Technology Takes Off Across Industries
Since 1998 the commercial uses for Airocide technology have rapidly expanded.
Food packers, wineries, healthcare institutions and grocery chains deployed Airocide. Why?
• Airocide air purifiers protect products from mold and bacteria.
• Airocide extends the shelf life of perishables by as much as two weeks.
• Hospitals, clinics, emergency rooms, dental offices, schools and day care centers have been using Airocide since 2003 to curtail the spread of infectious airborne diseases.
For the first time this NASA developed technology is available for your home, office or company.